Takeshi Nishimatsu 1729
- Takeshi Nishimatsu
- fax: 022-215-2052
- email: t-nissie (at) imr.tohoku.ac.jp
- address: IMR, Tohoku University, Katahira, Sendai 980-8577 JAPAN
- Publication List
- Research Topics
- Curriculum Vitae
- NISHIMATSU Brand Software
- feram
is a fast molecular dynamics (MD) simulator for bulk and thin-film ferroelectrics and relaxors.
- loto
analyzes dipole-dipole interactions in the systems with periodic
boundary conditions. 3-dimensional bulks, 2-dimensional films and
1-dimensional wires can be treated.
- compasses
searches maximum, minimum and saddle-point states of
finite size dipole arrays (i.e. sets of compasses).
- xtalgrowth
xtalgrowth is an X application which simulate crystal growth
of 2-dimensional hard spheres. If you execute xtalgrowth,
a window opens, hard spheres fall from random positions,
and they stacks at the bottom of the window.
- isi = Ruby Scripts and Libraries for ISI Export Format
"isi" is a package of Ruby libraries and scripts for ISI Export Format.
"isi2bibtex" converts ISI Export Format to BibTeX Format.
"isi2html" generates a list of articles in an HTML file.
The package also includes "isi2kakenhi" and "isi2tohoku".
- ULMUL original Ultra Lightweight MarkUp Language.
You can write TeX style equations.
- fft_check.F
is a 3-dimentional FFT benchmark program for single node. It is written in Fortran with FFTW and parallelized with OpenMP.
- fft_check_mpi.F
is a large-scale 3-dimentional FFT benchmark program. It is written in Fortran with FFTW and parallelized with MPI.
Unofficial EPS file of Mark of IMR and
that with "IMR" letters (Encapsulated PostScript files)
- Problems on Computational Physics for Students
- photos of air planes (seven 40 kB jpeg files)
- fire engines (a 40 kB jpeg file.)
- 360 degree panorama photo (a 3Mbyte QuickTimeVR)
- Some links:
Google Scholar Citations,
love && peace && free_software